Challenge will begin on: Sunday, February 21
Challenge will end on: Sunday, April 3 (Easter)
Here are my GOALS for the next 6 weeks:
- Kick my dependence and cravings for the offending foods - anything containing gluten, casein, and soy.
- Lose 18 pounds - which is approximately 3 pounds per week
- Incorporate exercise into my life once again - being able to workout 5-6 days a week
- No Gluten
- No Soy
- No Casein
- No Caffeine after Week 1 - gradually reduce
- Drink 84-100 ounces of water per day
- Limit of 5 meals a week that contain "safe" grains, rice, starches and beans (i.e. gluten free oatmeal, desserts)
- Take a prenatal vitamin daily that is also GFCFSF (gluten-free, casein-free, soy-free)
- Exercise 4 times a week, plus one day of pilates/yoga/ballet-type workout to stretch muscles
- Must post in blog at least every other day to keep self accountable
- Must weigh-in on blog 1 time per week (can't weigh in more than once a week)
Here's to becoming a Healthier, Stronger, Skinnier version of myself (basically rediscovering who I used to be).
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